How Lean Startup revolutionized the way we innovate

A more scientific approach.

The foolproof way to test our assortments: discover our secret!

Garden ID Lean startup

Source: Unsplash​

​At Garden ID, we're passionate about garden décor and firmly believe that to succeed in the industry, it's crucial to keep up with the latest market trends. That's why we've adopted the lean startup methodology to create new products and constantly improve our offering. 

​What is Lean Startup? 

We are proud to have adopted the Lean Startup methodology to transform our product development process into a value-creating machine. Our customer-centric approach allows us to gather valuable feedback, iterate quickly on our ideas and focus on sustainable growth. We've created a tailor-made process that fosters innovation and growth even in conditions of extreme uncertainty.

Working smarter

The main questions we strive to answer are: "Should we make this product?" and "Can we create a sustainable business around this set of products and services?". This experimental approach leads to a more efficient and focused development process, which ultimately results in better products and a more successful company.

The importance of customer feedback and iteration

We place great importance on customer feedback and iteration. By gathering and analyzing feedback from early adopters, we can make data-driven decisions and pivot our strategy if necessary. We use a variety of techniques to gather customer feedback, such as surveys, focus groups and user testing, to obtain honest and constructive feedback.

Our team analyzing the results of the latest version of a model.

The Role of Testing in the Lean Startup Methodology

Testing is an essential part of the development process within the Lean Startup methodology. We use experiments, such as prototype testing, A/B testing and user testing, to validate our assumptions about our target market, our customers' needs and the potential value of our offerings.

Learning from Failures and Pivoting

Lean startups embrace the concept of learning from failure and pivoting when necessary. By recognizing that not every idea will succeed, we can adapt and change course when necessary, ultimately leading to more sustainable growth.

The importance of sustainable growth

Creating a sustainable business around a set of products and services is the most important thing to us. By focusing on long-term growth and value creation, we can ensure the success of our customers and our own success in the marketplace.

The Power of Collaboration and Continuous Improvement

At Garden ID, collaboration and continuous improvement are key elements of our success. By involving employees and customers in the development process, we have fostered a culture of innovation that continues to propel our business forward.

Want to know more? Take a look at our collection.

Garden ID spinosaurus statue on a wooden table

​Spinosaurus statue

More real than life.

Garden ID Flame-effect solar lamp

Flame solar light

Energie solaire, effet flamme.

Garden ID Unbreakable flower pot, recycled and recyclable Green Care

Flower pot

Unbreakable, recycled, recyclable.

Browse through
the collection
